By default the output is set to the best sounding playback method, KS (Kernel Streaming). From Start Menu - Programs - JPLAY, open 'JPLAY Settings panel' to select your output device ('Playing via' field).(The built-in Windows USB Audio Class 2.0 driver is not compatible with JPLAY!) Make sure you have the latest driver installed for your USB DAC.After successful installation restart PC.Select the folders with your music files during JPLAY FEMTO setup.The PC must be connected to Internet and home network's WiFi. Download and run JPLAY FEMTO setup on a Windows PC that is connected to your USB DAC.Utilising network brings convenience that has not been available in the past with any JPLAY release sitting relaxed on a couch and controlling playback by a remote app on a tablet or smartphone. In contrary - it means that the best sound quality can be achieved by playing files that are stored directly on a PC which connects to a USB DAC. The word 'network' does not imply that music files must be streamed over network. JPLAY FEMTO is a complete network music software player created by fanatical audiophiles for the most demanding audiophiles. Getting started with JPLAY FEMTO Highest playback quality on a PC, remote app on a tablet